Monday, October 18, 2010

Boston Closes! State 50 Registered... Now We Wait!!!!

If you haven't already heard-- marathon history was made today when the 2011 Boston Marathon closed in just about 7 hours! That's about 20K open reg spaces... gone in 7 hours! Why the change? Well they bumped back registration a month (from September to October) allowing for more people to register that qualified in the speedy-early fall marathons--Chicago, Columbus, Portland... Omaha? Ok maybe that was just me lol!

Early this morning the registration page was very busy and people had a very hard time getting the form to process through. After attempt #4, I finally got this back...

"Dear Stephanie:

Your entry for the 115th Boston Marathon has been received, and your spot in the race has now been reserved, pending verification of your entry and qualifying information."

Yay! So now I just wait to see if everything goes through ok and I get me confirmation from the BAA! I'm unnecessarily worried that something is going to go wrong like... my credit card company has a down server and it they screw up my payment, orrr they misspell my name while looking up my Omaha results, orrr they have a weird issue with their registration and delete all people named "Stephanie"-- I know, like I said-- unnecessarily worried! 

Let's hope and pray and send good mojo vibes to the BAA so my 50th state plan can unfold like we hope!!! Fingers and toes crossed :)


  1. I got in as well and I too am unnessarily worried about the same things. It wont feel completely real until I get that confirmation. This is my first Boston and I can't wait! So glad you got in as well!

  2. awesome!!! cool that its the 50th state as well!

  3. congrats!! I will be there on the sidelines cheering all of you on :)
    Gee, I tell ya, it is a GOOD thing I did not BQ this year huh?? LOL 8~)

  4. I'm sure you got in, no need to worry! My wife and I will be there to cheer you (and 25,000 other runners) on for your 50th state!
