Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hyde Park Blast Results!

This weekend was the Hyde Park Blast in Cincinnati, OH~ and Kyle's FIRST race! yayyy!
Making people crazy runners, one race at a time!
<-- Photo: Kyle & Stephanie in front of the Hyde Park Square Fountain

I won't do a full race report because this was not a marathon. BUT, it was a VERY fun race. It's a 4-mile run through the streets of Hyde Park-a posh neighborhood in Cincinnati where EVERYBODY seems to run! This race had some major hills for such a short distance-- poor Kyle! But he did very well, beating most of the pack-- making us regular runners look pretty bad!!! TONS of free stuff at the end and great great tech T's! Yeah, for a 4 miles race, can you believe it????

This was a full day of events which included some serious bike racing. I didn't understand much of it, but apparently there were all these tiers in bike racing and the 1/2 tier were the best-- and they were FAST! Very cool to watch.

Funny fact... there were significantly more women than men!!! This wasn't designed to be women or men exclusive so I can't tell what's driving this change.

And here are Kyle's results. Mine are pretty much the same as I ran with him for the race, but my place was ONE ahead of his... his listened to my warning in the last post! GOOD JOB KYLE!


  1. Great run! Sounds like it was a fun race - and much easier than your marathons! :)

  2. awesome job to both of you ! sounds like a great race!

  3. I wish your mother ran with you too also! Good Job Kyle

  4. I am impressed with the female to male ratio. I am starting to see more females than male these days and think that is fabulous. Good job both of you. Congrats.
