Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Top Race Director Lies...

 Last night I realized we were past the 24 to 36 hours that Omaha claims to post their final race results. I cared because I was on the cusp of 3:23/3:24 and wanted to know what my final time was. They just now posted a note with links to the results. For the marathon they just linked to marathonguide.com... are those the "final" results? Sometimes there are differences b/t the certified race results and marathonguide's but we'll go with it. Final time... 3:24:01-- Ahh if I didn't stop for the bathroom that 1 time! Oh well! 

Anyways, it got me thinking of all the funny little things race directors promise and often do not keep. I thought I would share my list...

10) "Lots of Entertainment along the course"- this often means you'll be greeted with a "Band" (1 guy playing a guitar... or better yet a Kazoo) and "Cheer Squads" (5 year old girls that look bored to death) a few times along the course. 
9) "The race is 26.2 Miles." Now I'm an AVID tangent runner and I have RARELY seen a race under 26.3 miles. 
8) "Race Results will be posted in 24 hours"-- Often it's 2 to 3 days later
7) "Plenty of aid stations/port-a-johns" along the course. I've surprisingly found that when they mention that, there is usually an issue finding them. But, the races that don't bring it up at all... have them every half mile. 
6) "The race is "mostly" flat". -- and coincidentally-- 
5) The race is "mostly hilly"
4) Post-race food available -- usually for the top 100 runners, if you're slower than a 4:00 marathoner, you are SOL, my friend. 
3) "Great/Beautiful/wonderful/etc" T-shirts!" -- if they're telling you how great the T-shirts are, chances are they are poop brown with an unidentifiable picture on it... and they itch! 
2) "Unique Finisher medals" -- if the word "Unique" comes up in any marathon, it's never good. This will often lead to this crap... Yes, friends that is the WORST 2009 marathon medals from Steph's 50 Marathon Challenge. (I've still clearly NOT gotten over this thing they tried to pass off as a finisher medal)
And the #1 Race Director Lie is...
1) There WILL BE a marathon. Thank You Myrtle Beach Marathon of 2010! 

What is our lesson here? Promise nothing?... heck no! If you've run the Wyoming Marathon that LITERALLY has the motto "Where the race director promises you nothing and he delivers"-- and they truly stick to it-- then you'll know that's not the answer. I find that when there is just the "Must have" information like # of GU/water stops and a general description of the course, that is all I need. I like to be pleasantly surprised by added Entertainment, great shirts, fancy medals, etc. Also-- nobody can complain when they don't get what's promised! 

Calling all Chicago Runners!!!! 
If you go to the top the page to the nav bar and click on "Upcoming Races" -- or heck, here is the link.-- check if your name is on there. If it's not, let me know and I'll add you. 

Happy Running,
"Run to Win" -Meb


  1. Ah let downs are not cool! Fortunately all the events I've been to (so far) have delivered what they promised, time will tell though...

  2. And is that "medal" on a shoelace???

  3. So not cool...I thought that medal was a joke :(....so sorry it is true...

    I am running Chicago! Lish at "The Road to Chicago" www.superindi.blogspot.com

  4. Fantastic commentary on promises and let-downs. I can relate to many of the items listed :) Too funny.

  5. This made me laugh so hard, they are so true!!! I can't believe they actually gave you that as a medal, it looks like a visitors pass to something, haha!

    I WISH I was doing Chicago, I waited too long to sign up, hopefully I will get to meet you in Boston!

  6. I am glad you found your results. I ran the half there and was really frustrated about trying to find the results. My friend did find the site that posted the results within the day. Here is the link to your results:

    Great job!

  7. Add me as a spectator for Chicago! Can't wait to see you!


  8. LOL! I know I'm a bit late on this post, but I SWEAR Myrtle Beach marathon and race directors are really great! It's the officials who run our city who aren't always the best...
