Monday, September 20, 2010

5 Marathon in 6 Weeks... Top of the Roller Coaster Looking Down!!!!

Do you ever get yourself into something and as it approaches you start getting more and more anxious? Like you're heading toward the top of the roller coaster and now you're about to take the plunge? Well this week I'm almost at the top and heading into a good stretch of another Marathon o' Marathons... and it's definitely up there as one of my toughest stretches.... 

10/2-3: Off (Boston for Julie's Bday)
10/10: Chicago Marathon (10.10.10)
10/30: Spinx Run Fest (marathon distance)

Prepping for the Plunge...
Omaha will be my next chance to PR, having had the last 3 weekends off from races. I've changed up some of my workouts to try and get my time down...

RandR Weekend: I got some R&R with only an 8 mile long run with Rachael. Caught up with friends and went to a Bengals game... as this is my last weekend of fun for a while :( 
Speed Work: I've joined a local running group and I've been doing some pretty intense track workouts with them. 
Long Runs: Off! I've purposely kept all of my runs in the past 3 weeks under 17 miles and almost all under 12 miles. The rest is much needed before heading into this many races
Total Mileage: I've kept my total mileage under 45 miles/week and up'd the intensity of the workouts and put in a little more weight lifting and cycling. 

This Week
Mon: Long Run 8-9 Miles
Tues: Speedwork on the track
Wed: Cycling
Thur: Long run with Rachael
Friday: Easy 2-3
Sat: Off
Sun: Omaha!

And.... How Do you Feel about this?
Well, a little nauseous and maybe slightly dizzy. Haha Nah! I'm ok. I've been going with the mantra "I can do ANYthing" lately. I'm sure if you ask me this around 10/25 I'll have a different answer, but for now I'm ok. What helps? Knowing I have something special at all of them. Chicago is going to be great because Carey Beth (CB) will be joining me for another marathon... along with lots of marathon maniacs! Detroit... I get to visit Canada on the run! Isn't that cool? Bimbler's Bluff -- Well I'm just happy I finally figured out a CT marathon that works in my schedule and I don't have to continue to beg the mean Nip Muck Man to let me in! Spinx is Halloween and you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be dressing up! 

I'm still sore from a few toughy workouts I had last week... between the speed work sessions, the Crossfit workout, and one impromptu run in with a rowing machine (please don't ask), I was definitely a little worn by this weekend so the rest was good! 

If all goes well... in 6 weeks from now I'll only have 5 more states to go!!!

Happy Running!
"Run to Win" -Meb


  1. Good luck, I have no doubt you will get it all done in style. Can't wait to read the reports. I agonize doing a 5k before a marathon and here you are doing a marathon back to back.

    Also glad you are still having fun doing them and not that they are a chore.

  2. I will be watching for you at the finish line in Detroit. I am handing out the medals and space blankets to the finishers!

  3. Incredible! Good luck to you!
    Get after that PR, I'm excited to read your race reports!

  4. Your schedule and intensity is so inspiring! When I grow up I want to be just like you. ;-)

    I love those football game photos! You are just adorable. Did they win?...Steelers did!

  5. Good luck with the big streak! AGGGH, getting so close!

  6. Good luck! :) Your schedule is crazy! Crazy mileage! You rock! :)

  7. good luck with the upcoming races. I should be awesome!

  8. Good luck, girl!!! Can't wait to see how it all unfolds - though I know it will go well :).

  9. I can't believe you're almost there! It's been so exciting following your journey.

  10. Good Luck! can't wait to hear how well you are doing to do!! Almost there!
