Monday, April 26, 2010

Mud-Monsterrrr!!! Grrrrr

When I was describing the  KS Marathon Course- Des 7th Circle of hell , I don't think I had enough literary talent to truely describe, in words, just HOW muddy a muddy trail could be! Fortunately for you, the race has put up photos from 2 great photographers-- Dick Ross and Kyle Gerstner --- they truely capture the Muddiness!

Pic 1: Helloooo Mud-Monster. The second picture shows what my Nike-Free's USED to look like. Siiighhh. I've got MOST of the mud off, but I'm afraid they'll never be the same again :( You can't tell in this picture (too early in the race) but after a few falls, the mud extended to my torso as well as up and down my arms. Scratching my face became a serious challenge!

This was actually one of the few areas on the course that was pretty dry.

Pic 2: Remember the Marthon-Pup I stalked err-- mentioned in my last post? Well APPARENTLY this is a BLOGGING-Marathon pup! Check out Pavlov's view of the marathon from a doggie perspective! Too cute. Also, just in case her owner hasn't filed a restraining order quiet yet on me, I've attached a picture of Pavlov/Belle with her Dad during the marathon...  
You get a better image of just how 90% of the course looked!

For more post-race thoughts on the Free State Trail Marathon (KS) scroll down. My FULL race Ratings to come as well as my Post-race thoughts and ratings on Sunday's Marathon-- The Oklahoma Memorial Marathon!

Phew-- the last (cross my fingers) double of 2010 is over and pretty successful!


  1. That is some serious mud!

    And too cool about the marathon-running/blogging doggy! :)

  2. Ooo how fun! I am SO BEHIND on your posts, I need like a day to get caught up! I swear I haven't abandoned you!!! xoxo

  3. Great job! I can't imagine running through all that mud.

    I didn't expect to see the picture of the marathon-pup in this post... that is one of my running coaches! I've ran a couple training runs with Pavlov and Scott, such a cool running family!

  4. Oh my gosh....blogging dog?!?!?!?! Too cute! That mud looks absolutely crazy!

  5. I am completely amazed that you can run a marathon on a trail like that! Way to go! It looks incredibly TOUGH!

  6. Wow!! Mud, mud and more mud. I have no idea how you could run through that for 26.2 miles - but you did it. Congrats.

  7. That looks like a blast!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to run a trail like that!!!

    I have to check out Pavlos blog, that is pretty original I must say!!!

    Off to get caught up on your blog!

  8. Fantastic running, Steph. And great writing. It was a pleasure meeting you.

    The FreeState/OKC double is a fun one. Both races are very well done and are two of my all time favorite events. I'm glad you could experience them. I'm sad I didn't make it to OKC this year too.

    Pavlov also asked that I tell you congratulations! She was so excited to meet you!

  9. Hey look - that's my coach and his dog! I just ran with them this morning! :)

    Glad you had a good experience in Kansas. If it hadn't meant a day out of town (and my husband possibly abandoning me for it) I would have loved to come and meet you. You should come back again, sometime, after you are done with your challenge!

    See you in Seattle!
